Antique Labels and Mineral Specimens from
Museums and Institutes
Paul de Bondt Collection
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American Museum of Natural History (NY) - Cinnabar
Cinnabar (3.4 x 5.4 cm) twinned crystals (edge: 9 mm)
on quartz from China with its label (7.3 x 2.1 cm) "No.
46 AM. MUS. NAT. HIST. Herbert Gift | Cinnabar, twin crystals
| China" from the collection of the American Museum
of Natural History (NY); "46" is painted at
the back of the specimen; a glued label bears the numbering
"Ecole des Mines" (Paris) - Malachite
Malachite (6 x 7.7 cm) from Chessy (Rhône dpt, France)
with its label (6.1 x 4.4 cm) from the collection of the
"Ecole des Mines" (Paris) indicating that the
specimen was given by Mr. Thibaud; numbering "d6"
is reported on a small label glued at the back of the
"Ecole des Mines" (Paris) - Mimetite
Mimetite (4 x 7.8 cm) from Johanngeorgenstadt (Saxony,
Germany) with its label (2.1 x 6.5 cm) "MIMÉTÈSE
| Joanngeorgenstadt (SAXE) | g5" and the handwritten
annotation "TPE81B-2" from the collection of
the "Ecole des Mines" (Paris); "TPE81B-2"
is painted at the back of the specimen and handwritten
on the cardboard box. The specimen was used for the practical
training of students (TPE stands for "Travaux Pratiques
Mining Academy Mineral Dealership - Calcite
Calcite on sphalerite (7.4 x 11 cm) from the Diepenlienchen
mine (near Aachen, Germany) with a label (5.2 x 6.5 cm)
from the "K.S. Mineralien-Niederlage bei Freiberg"
i.e. the Freiberg Mining Academy Mineral Dealership.
"Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle" (Paris) - Liroconite
Liroconite (6.5 x 5.6 cm; cavity: 2.6 x 1.5 cm) from Cornwall
with its label (4.9 x 2.2 cm) "Lyroconite | Cornwall
– Angleterre | 135.226 M. Lacroix" from the
collection of the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle
(Paris). The numbering "135.226" is painted
at the back of the specimen, indicating that it was acquired
in 1935.
"Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle" (Paris) - Tourmaline
Tourmaline (4 x 4 cm; crystal: 0.2 x 0.8 cm) from San
Piero in Campo, Elba (Italia) with its label ( 4.2 x 6.3
cm) "Tourmaline sur orthose | S. Piero (Ile d'Elbe)
| 108 1125 | Mr. ??? Italie" from the collection
of the "Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle"
(Paris). The numbering "1O8 / 1125" is painted
at the back of the specimen, indicating that it was acquired
in 1908.